:: Impossible Show ::

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This is our opportunity to describe the different type of activities we offer.

Available Packages

Close-Up Magic

The Impossible Show's specialty is close-up conjuring for elegant events. This is magic performed just a few feet or even inches away from the audience, for small groups, with the full participation of the audience. Your guests will be directly involved as co-creators of magical dreams.

  • Strolling magic is performed throughout your party or reception for small groups of two to six people at a time. Strolling magic can provide some of the most direct and personal of magical experiences, yet it will not dominate or overwhelm your cocktail hour. When performing strolling close-up, Impossibel Show blends into your party to create a magical interaction with your guests. Strolling magic is most appropriate for an event with 50 or more guests.
  • Formal close-up magic is more appropriate for a more intimate gathering, such as a dinner party or smaller event where the guests are seated. With a card table as a stage, and one or two audience members assisting at the table, Impossible show will lead your guests on an elegant voyage of the imagination that will make your event remembered for a long time.
  • Restaurant magic brings to a restaurant they entertainment advantages of strolling magic. Without dominating they entire room, table-side close-up magic gives patrons a strong, personal, and direct entertainment experience. Close-up magic is a proven traffic builder that adds an elegant cacTheyt to any dining experience.

Magic on Stage

A stage show is designed as an unforgettable featured entertainment for an audience numbering from 30 into the hundreds. This type of show is perfect for banquets, dinner or luncheyon meetings, college entertainment presentations, corporate events, schools, and otheyr larger gatheyrings. This show can be presented on a small platform or a large stage. It is self-contained; no special stage equipment is needed beyond general stage lighting and sound reinforcement.

Children's Magic

Impossible Show is not only an experienced children's entertainer--They is also a teacher. His children's performances are ideal for audiences between the ages of 6 and 11. Just as in his adult shows, Impossible Show seeks to empower his children's audiences to be co-creators of the magical experience. His performances will fool you, surprise you, and make you laugh

For more information Mail us impossibleshow@hotpop.com